Remember Orisinal? The sweet, soft, fluffy games that I (n mel n yt) used to play on the com in TJ art room. Apparently it's quite well-known now, won some prize earlier, and is on wiki-pedia (what isn't!?). I went to visit the site after such a long long time, and I totally fell in love with the games all over again. I'm so happy that i can easily find the wonderful music in youtube now, it was so rare and unknown then. 我就是需要这种治愈系的东西来舒缓我扭曲的心灵。看太多血腥的电影跟玩杀人的游戏只会让我祈求世界尽早毁灭。我知道我很灰暗,但这不是我的错。是这个世界美好的东西太少了,而丑恶的事却只多不少。
My temper's been getting real bad, well it has never been good but now it's like at maximum level. I get irritated at the slightest things, and i just snap at ppl. I seriously need to find some way to control it. I am conscious of it, but sometimes the mouth just acts faster than the mind thinks. 怎么办~~