New anime of the season. A new boy arrives in town, befriends an alien, prince of fishing and indian boy (plus duck), and their adventure begins. Needless to say, this anime IS about fishing. I guess the Japanese has pretty much covered every type of sport either in manga or anime. But hey, this anime is appealing. The colors are brilliant and vivid. Great animation, for sure. The pacing is right too. Just into episode 2, the plot hasn't been revealed much, but so far, it is interesting and promising. I can't bear to lift my eyes off the screen for fear I might miss out any detail. I especially like the visual play of how Yuki gets a drowning feeling whenever he is tensed. The indian boy has just been introduced and I'm quite curious to know what part his duck companion is going to play, whose name, by the way, is Tapioca (the duck, not the boy).
PS: blogger changed it's layout, and it's getting me quite messed up.